Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School


Affiliated With CBSE
Affiliation No: 1631295
Click here to download 'Registration cum Admission Form' for Nursery(Balvatika-I), L.K.G.(Balvatika-II) and U.K.G.(Balvatika-III) for the Session 2025-26. Forms are also available at School Reception on all working days from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

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ROAD SAFETY MONTH observed at Bhartiya Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School (Sector 39) enthusiastically. « 16/Jan/2024

Road Safety Month was conducted at BVM, Sec-39, Chd Road, Ldh by the school Health and Wellness Club in order to create awareness among the public regarding traffic rules and to reduce casualties of road accidents . To enlighten the masses, a plethora of activities were organised. Students of classes III to VIII prepared eye captivating slogans, posters and flash cards  to make everyone aware of these rules. Munchkins of I-II  acted as a traffic police and told about safe driving, use safety kit  and follow the traffic signals. Mr. Sanjeev ( PGT Phy.Edu) delivered a lecture on Road Safety to enlighten the students of classes IX to XII about preventive measures to reduce road accidents and save lives.  Principal Upasna Modgil exhorted to adhere to traffic rules and  appealed to  drive slowly, to wear seat belts and never to use phone while driving.